Flag-Club Divine – the punishment!

(The Original Flag Club – since 2011)

I am Madame Divine, the Headmistress par excellence of the INSTITUT DIVINE – the school for good for nothing men!

You’re a true flagellant & and a rascal and have to be in detention! Your boorish manners leave much to be desired! Too many complaints were submitted to me. After completing your duties, I do expect you to come in my principal’s office!

Next implementation: December 17th & 18th Nächste Durchführung: 17. & 18.

This is not a session in it’s way, but a brief nostalgic punishment including confession of your offenses, as it was common in the schools. Of course, there will be a note in the penal book of the house.

Duration: 1/2h  Price: CHF 200.-

A classic slave training or a comprehensive disciplinary training finds no implementation, but can be booked separately from 1 hour on. This counts as well when specific fetishes have to get my attention.

Apply with a short e-mail to mail@dshunadivine.ch including the following information:

  • name
  • age
  • size & weight
  • health
  • experiences
  • taboos
  • how many times did you get punished already?
  • if you know: content of submitted complaints, resp. purpose of this punishment!
  • exact time when you can appear in my principal’s office

I expect you to have informed yourself about this website, which behavior I expect from you. Scripts, wishlists and instructions on how to arrange this punishment are generally rejected.